Savage Sam (1. 96. IMDb Savage Sam, except for it's association with Ol' Yeller, would be a completely innocuous but more or less forgotten addition to the Disney film library. The problem with Savage Sam is twofold. First, it was (and is) marketed as a sequel to Ol' Yeller. But trying to sell that movie as a sequel never had a chance - Fess Parker was doing a TV show and unavailable, the book itself is weak, and the scripting is sluggish. Film Noir Movies Undercover Grandpa (2017). Secondly, and this true of all movies from that time - the portrayal of the Indians was so biased that it's painful to watch as those Irish stunt men in red paint whoop it up. Is it watchable? Yes, but view it a a separate entity, not a sequel.
Watch Savage Dog (2017) Online Bible
Directed by Jesse V. With Scott Adkins, Marko Zaror, Juju Chan, Cung Le. A story set in Indochina in 1959, a land beyond rule and a time without mercy and.
Directed by Norman Tokar. With Brian Keith, Tommy Kirk, Kevin Corcoran, Dewey Martin. Travis, Arliss, and Lisbeth are captured by Apaches while Old Yeller's son, Sam.
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