Speaking of which we have the red bandana, identified with Evil Coop and the Cowboy, the preternaturally-terrifying bad guy from Mulholland Dr. Note the tartan on the. Villages GOP president caught up in Navy scandal an elitist who never supported Trump By Bill Garner March 16, 2017 157 Comments. This is a press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be. Formed in Athens (Greece) in 2009, the four-piece have two LPs behind them, their debut LP and demo collection Selected Recordings. And after a long, three-year wait.
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New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesville. New video has surfaced that shows a man drawing a gun and opening fire at counter protesters during the neo- Nazi protest in Charlottesville on August 1.
The man was reportedly taken into custody this morning, but many are asking why police didn’t do anything at the time. Just eight people were arrested at the notorious rally in Charlottesville, where one woman was killed and dozens more were injured after a neo- Nazi terrorist drove his car into a group of counter- protesters. Both the neo- Nazis and counter- protesters believe that police intentionally stood down. The man in the video is wearing a bullet- proof vest and an American flag bandana.
He appears to shout “hey, nigger” as well as something else that was inaudible before shooting his weapon. It’s unclear if the man shot near the crowd as a way to terrorize people or if he was, in fact, aiming at someone and simply missed.
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The video appears to take place right around the moment that this famous photo was taken, showing 2. Corey Long using a homemade flamethrower to defend against neo- Nazis.“The cops were protecting the Nazis, instead of the people who live in the city,” Long told The Root in an interview from August 1.
The cops were not protecting the people of Charlottesville. They were protecting the outsiders.”You can see the fire and the flag attack in the new video on the right side of the screen.
The New York Times doesn’t mention the connection between the two incidents, but the image is unmistakable. Those in the crowd at the time insist that police knew a man had fired a gun but did absolutely nothing to try and apprehend him. It’s clear from the video that a gunshot can be heard from some distance, and Corey Long mentions the incident in his interview with The Root.“At first it was peaceful protest,” Long told The Root. Then the same person pointed it at my foot and shot the ground.”“We all heard it and ran—I know damn well they heard it,” a community activist in Virginia told the New York Times about the police officers’ reaction to the shot.
Other videos on You. Tube appear to show the same man pulling his gun at least two other times during the same day. But the new video, released by the Virginia chapter of the ACLU and obtained by the New York Times, is even more shocking than the video above because the unnamed man actually discharges his weapon.
Video and photos surfaced on social media in the immediate aftermath of violence in Charlottesville showing neo- Nazi groups pushing up against a line of police officers with only minimal resistance from the cops. It was a stark contrast to the way that American police typically respond to any sort of resistance at public demonstrations. The rally, officially known as Unite the Right, was a major turning point in America’s understanding of hate groups in the US. Organized by Jason Kessler, a white supremacist and former contributor to The Daily Caller, the rally showed that racists who may previously have been scared to be so public in their hate are no longer worried about organizing. Kessler referred to the death of 3.
Heather Heyer at the rally as “payback time” on Twitter and called her a “fat disgusting Communist.” He soon deleted the tweet, blaming it on drugs and alcohol from the previous night. But Kessler reiterated the same sentiment just a few days later on the same day that President Trump held a rally in Phoenix, Arizona. President Donald Trump received criticism in the wake of the neo- Nazi protests in Charlottesville for not denouncing the hate groups forcefully enough. Trump’s now infamous take on the rally was that there was violence committed “on both sides,” a battle cry that has no become common on White Nationalist Twitter. President Trump energized neo- Nazis when he referred to Antifa at his recent rally in Phoenix on August 2.
And fascist- linked groups online are even more emboldened after his pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio was announced on Twitter last night. Arpaio was convicted of ignoring a court order to stop illegally targeting members of the Latino community. Bollywood Thriller Movies All Eyez On Me (2017). He spent 1. 8 months ignoring that order, and was never even charged for some of his most heinous crimes.
Arpaio forced women to give birth in shackles, he failed to investigate hundreds of sexual abuse cases, he ran what he called a “concentration camp,” and he arrested reporters who covered him. Arpaio even staged a fake assassination attempt in 1. Needless to say, Arpaio is a very bad guy. With President Trump in the White House it’s clear that neo- Nazis, Klansmen, and just all around shitty people now feel like they can walk around in public shooting guns near crowds with impunity. Hopefully the arrest of this unnamed man changes that ever so slightly. But with pardons now on the table, who knows what’s going through the minds of the fascists organizing the next Charlottesville and the one after that?
Nothing good, to be sure. Update, August 3. The man arrested for firing his gun has been identified as 5. Richard W. Preston, a member of the Ku Klux Klan. He has reportedly been charged with assault on three separate occasions and rape on another occasion, though he wasn’t convicted. From the Baltimore City Paper: Richard W. Preston, 5. 2 years old, of the 5.
Cedonia Avenue, was picked up on a warrant by federal law enforcement on Saturday and deposited in the Baltimore County Detention Center in Towson. He is charged with firing a gun within 1,0. He was jailed in Towson, and not Baltimore City, because the FBI collared him in the county and not the city, according to Corporal George Erhardt, a spokesman for Baltimore County Police. As President Trump said, “very fine people” indeed.
The Liminal Symbolism of Twin Peaks. It's not exactly a newsflash that secret society symbolism lies at the very heart of David Lynch and Mark Frost's Twin Peaks mythos.
In case the storyline of clashing lodges went over anyone's head, Frost's Secret History of Twin Peaks makes damn sure you get the drift as it hammers a vision of white- lodge Freemasons struggling against black- lodge Illuminati into your head. Secret History even includes a mock version of Meriwether Lewis' Masonic apron and drives home the link between the owl icon and the Illuminati. Throw in UFOs, Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, Bohemian Grove and pretty much every other bullet point you can conjure from the catalog of high weirdness and conspiracy culture and you're off to the races.
I don't know about Frost, but it goes without saying that Lynch has some experience in the Masonic orbit. How so?, you may be asking.
Well, read on: David Lynch was born Jan. Missoula, Mont. His father, Donald, was a research scientist for the U. S. Forest Service. The job meant the Lynch family’s home address was constantly changing — Idaho, Washington state, North Carolina and Virginia. Through it all, two things stayed constant: Scouting and camping.
Whenever the family traveled with Donald Lynch for his job, they avoided hotels and motels. They camped.“I grew up like that,” Lynch says. He attended summer camp at Camp Tapawingo near Payette Lake, Idaho. He was a member of the Order of the Arrow. The Boy Scouts is a Masonic- founded organization, but the Order of the Arrow (OA) is something else entirely. It's even more Masonic than Freemasonry. It makes the Masoniest Freemason who ever Masoned look like a piker.
My wife and I watched an OA ceremony when we visited my son at Boy Scout camp and I felt like I earned an Entered Apprentice degree just watching the damn thing. Wiki tells us: The traditions and rituals of Freemasonry contributed more to the basic structure of the OA ritual than any other organization. In fact, there appears to be no known fraternal organization more faithful in form to Freemasonry than OA. Familiar terms such as .
Even the early national meeting was called a . But even so there's Masonic symbolism all over his work, as well as Rosicrucian and Alchemical symbolism.
And some other little tidbits we should look into.. I've been studying Twin Peaks and its would- be spinoff Mulholland Dr recently and it's all so in- your- face I'm a little surprised no one's paid it any mind. Now, there's no shortage of occult symbolism studies of Twin Peaks et al but not so much when it comes to Masonry and its cousins. Given how explicit it all is in Secret History this seems like semiotic neglect.
It seems to signify sex, magic and sex magick. And there's that checkerboard floor you all learned about in Symbolism 1. As we'll see Lynch is a bit ambivalent about red and tartan so it leads one to wonder if there's a red- blue divide in the secret society world as well. Red is the predominant color in One Eyed Jack's, the casino and brothel across the Canadian border that Benjamin Horne runs and the ostensible earthly incarnation of the Black Lodge. Note also the use of Venetian masks, which we saw in Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut.
The scene of the right there has Horne unwittingly seducing his own daughter at Jack's, which parallels the incest between the demon- possessed Leland Palmer and his daughter Laura. Note that the Black Lodge features two famous statues of Venus, the De Medici and the De Milo. The sex magick symbols are overwhelming in Twin Peaks. Speaking of which, in the new series we see the all- important ram's head in Horne's office. We'll be delving into all of that in the near- future. In case you think the floor thing is a stretch, note the tile pattern of the Red Room, which is either adjacent to or actually part of the Black Lodge, depending on which obsessive you ask. Here the host for the demon Mike (Philip Gerard) stands on the inverted chevrons, which signify a Master Mason.
And the color scheme corresponds to the Scottish Rite, as mentioned before. Speaking of which we have the red bandana, identified with Evil Coop and the Cowboy, the preternaturally- terrifying bad guy from Mulholland Dr. Note the tartan on the Cowboy's coat, which seems to exist solely to drive home the Scottish Rite (or perhaps the Scottish degrees, in the case of the Illuminati) connection. Note also the actor who plays the Cowboy is one of the founders of American Cinematheque, whose symbol is the Eye of Horus. Moving on, we later see the figurehead of the White Lodge, Major Garland Briggs (garlands again), in what very much resembles the Worshipful Master's seat seen in a typical Masonic lodge. We see the same type of chair facing the madam's desk at Jack's, particularly during this scene after Jerry Horne dresses said madam (named Blackie, of course) down.
This is the Room Above the Convenience store, which has obscured windows like a Masonic lodge. Bob and the Man from Another World sit at a green formica table which may or may not be a reference to the Emerald Tablets of Hermeticism. In the outtakes from Fire Walk with Me we are told that these entities are demons of the air who travel through electrical wires. They feed on human pain and sorrow (Garmonbozia), symbolized by creamed corn for some damn reason or other.
Does the Black Lodge really represent the Illuminati? Hmm, I'll have to get back to you on that one. Fire Walk with Me centers on the owl signet ring, which seems to protect the wearer from demonic possession. Which is both good and not- so- good since Bob tends to murder the people he can't inhabit. And of course the owl signet ring is essentially identical to a Masonic signet ring. Which makes sense since Gerard is a traveling salesman and cryptic conversations about traveling (as in .
The owl sigil itself also resembles an inverted and simplified . Just in case it wasn't Masonic enough already. And no one should be surprised to learn that there's a Masonic Lodge two doors down from the real- life Twin Peaks diner and it's actually over a storefront. We'll be looking at another lodge over a store in the near future that ties directly into the Peaks mytharc. Neither should anyone be surprised that the facade of the Palmer home resembles the Second Degree Tracing Board, with the arch, vault and columns as well as solar symbol over the door and the planting urns standing in for our old pals Boaz and Jachin.
That same tracing board features a waterfall, as do both opening credits for Twin Peaks. The new credits have the waterfall fading into the curtains and floor of the Red Room, just in case you missed the connection. Yeah, that's an obelisk.
Of course we also have the Bookhouse Boys secret society, a handy stand- in for badass Masonic posses from the past like the Regulators (which Freemason Billy . Their recognition sign is an index finger pointing at an eye. The Bookhouse Boys logo is of a cedar tree and a sword, strongly (and significantly) resembling both the Lebanese flag and the Eagle Scout forestry patch. Lebanon is of particular interest to Masonic and Templar orders, as longtime Secret Sun readers know well. The Boys meet in a pub, just like the old- time Masons of Colonial America. Just in case there's any confusion as to who the .
Their first names- Jean, Jacques and Bernard - all correspond to figures from Masonic history, namely the Baptist, De. Molay and the Saint who founded the Knights Templar. The Renault surname seems to have Masonic significance as well, if Renault Autos logos are any indication. Note the conjoined chevrons. Lynch seems to be deeply ambivalent about French Freemasons, at least according to the symbols. We have another stand- in for the Ruffians in the Woodsmen in the new series. Since the Black Lodge is all about inversion here the Ruffians resurrect the Evil Dale Cooper after he is shot.