The Monkey Fist knot has a long history since 1800's, main purpose as a weight at the end of a rope or just for decorative use. CNN Films brings distinguished, thought-provoking documentary programming to audiences on CNN's platforms around the world.
CISCO IS A KEY ENABLER OF THE DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENTCisco CEO John Chambers built back doors into his I nternet routers, donated $5 million to The Clinton Foundation, and paid $1 billion into the Obama/Hillary . Chambers, CEO, Cisco Systems. Chambers is emerging as a central organizing figure in the rogue C. I. A. Deep State shadow government's takeover of the American Republic.
Internet Movie Poster Awards - One of the largest collections of movie poster images online. Additional movie data provided by TMDb. Good morning Stingrays Families! We hope everyone got their kids off to their first day of school smoothly this morning! Just a few reminders for the upcoming Awards.
Here he is as special guest of Bill and Hillary Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) on Sep. Chambers donated up to $5 million to the Clintons and donated $1 billion to the Hillary/Obama . Goldstein. Assistant U. S. Attorney; Mueller Russia probe appointee; JPMorgan attorney; failed to prosecute any Wall Street executives. Breaking News! 0.
New Mueller counsel tied to $1. Obama JPMorgan . Mueller's appointment of Assistant U. S. Attorney Andrew D.
Goldstein (Yale Law, Reg. Paul Weiss LLP. Goldstein also worked for U. S. Attorney Preetinder Bharara who was recently fired by President Trump.
JPMorgan recieved a $2. TARP bailout from the U.
S. Treasury, managed by Larry H. Summers under Barack Obama.
Goldstein represented. JPMorgan Chase and Ford Motor Company against a small NY brokerage firm involving a $2. In 2. 01. 0, Goldstein then joined Preet Bharara's U. S. Attorney's office. JPMorgan settled with Attorney General Eric Holder for $1.
JPMorgan executives by either Bharara or Goldstein. Some experts called this JPMorgan settlement money an Obama political . These close Deep State associations unmistakably tie Goldstein to Clinton- Obama Deep State collusion, and should disqualify him. This is more evidence that Rod Rosenstein and Mueller are organizing a hit job on President Trump. See previous post. On Jun. 1. 9, 2. 01. President Trump hosted a roundtable of technology and academic elitists.
Perhaps unknown to President Trump and his agency heads is the fact that these companies have been working for decades to undermine the American Republic in favor of a globalist New World Order run by unelected bureaucrats and multi- national corporations. The original authority for this Deep State shadow government Internet collusion is Executive Order 1. Presidents Bush and Obama. It is due for another renewal on Sep. Executive Order 1. If Executive Order 1.
Sep. 3. 0, 2. 01. Deep State conspirators will be officially rogue—having lost their dubious legal authority to support the White House's National Security Staff (NSS). These devious individuals have hidden their collusion in a mountain of government intelligence legalese that promotes . Their collusion has been cleverly hidden from Congress and the public by stamping .
According to former Defense Secretary Robert Gates in his book Duty (2. NSS staff ballooned from 5. Obama. That is a lot of spies running around in the White House! Are they doing The People's business? That is doubtful. The question is, for whom have they been spying?
The answer is evident: Deep State globalists working for a U. N. Note: AFI researchers interviewed a very prominent member of the judicial community in preparation for this post. He had no awareness of this un. Constitutional exploitation of intelligence executive orders. Therefore, spread the word.
Policy & Funding—National Infrastructure Assurance / Advisory Council (NIAC) and the “safe harbor” concept to get around the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. It requires governmental searches and seizures to be conducted only upon issuance of a warrant, judicially sanctioned by probable cause. R& D—The IBM Eclipse Foundation and theft of social networking invention from Leader Technologies to get around the Fifth Amendment, which protects personal property from confiscation by the government without fair compensation. Funding—Wall Street, offshore money laundering & drugs. Dvd The 4Th Poster (2017) Downloads Online. See. HSBC / Swiss.
Leaks / Comey / Mueller. See also The Panama Papers. Media— NPR, New York Times, CNN, Washington Post hide behind the First Amendment to disguise their role as Deep State propagandists. See backdoor keys. Blackmail—C. I. A., FBI, NSA, use of pedophilia & ritual child sacrifice. Academia—Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, GWU, Ohio State M.
O. O. C. A president Hillary would have renewed Executive Order 1. Sep. However, without that renewal, the decades of digital sedition that has hidden under these executive orders will officially go rogue. The roundtable group members will have no legal authority to operate their warrantless surveillance of Americans and their un.
Constitutional theft of our privacy. Said another way, the decades of collusion that have led us to the cliff of The New American Surveillance State will have no legal legitimacy whatsoever come Sep. Indeed, like Apollo 1. They have a serious problem. After September 3. President Trump offers them some sort of amnesty these people will be in trouble. They will need to disclose anyone who is 'blackmailing' them, or their Deep State collusion will likely land substantial numbers of the technology world in prison for treason and sedition.
Indeed, former C. I. A. 3. 0, 2. 01.
On Sep. 3. 0, 2. 01. C. I. A. 1. 4, 1. How bad is it? President Trump asked each Roundtable participant to introduce himself or herself. AFI researchers have compared that list of attendees to various other collusion membership lists compiled for the AFI TIMELINE: People you trusted are now hijacking the Internet. What emerged is a list that we have named the “Deep State Hive Mind Index.” . We believe this explains the globalist New World Order elitist drive to seize power and control, at all costs.
The Deep State Hive Mind Index. We coined the term “Deep State Hive Mind Index” as a way to determine the relative contributions of the various actors involved in this massive collusion. Clearly, some of these players are more central to this hive mind than others. Membership in the following Deep State shadow government activities were each given a “1” value, and Clinton speaking fees were given a “1” for each speech.
Ohio State's Trustee President Jeffrey Wadsworth manages numerous intelligence units as CEO of Battelle Institute and therefore classifies Ohio State as a C. I. A. Ohio State is also the network hub for M.
O. O. C. MKUltra mind control techniques like virtue signaling and trolling. MKUltra never stopped despite Congress' order to shut it down. Open your eyes. Such reactions have been effective in hiding this diabolical program in plain sight. This is not 'conspiracy theory' if it is true. See FBI superstar Agent In Charge Ted L. Gunderson whistleblower revelations. Criteria for the creation of the Index below: Policy & Funding: National Infrastructure Assurance / Advisory Council (NIAC), the “safe harbor” concept to circumvent 4th Amendment privacy protections; safe harbor protections will expire on Sep.
NIAC contributors to treason and sedition charges. FBI backdoor: On Jun.
Podesta and James Chandler sponsored CRYPTO 1. FBI a backdoor key to the Internet. Judicial bribery: the “safe harbor” mutual fund concept. R& D: IBM Eclipse Foundation and the theft of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention.
NSA backdoor encryption: NIST registration of backdoor keys. See also Dell ships backdoor keys.
Financing: In- Q- Tel / C. I. A. 1. 7, 2. 01. Mar. 0. 2, 2. 01. Blackmail exploitation: Clinton Foundation donors and insiders. See also The Clinton Chronicles. No. WH Roundtable Participants Jun.
Deep State Hive Mind Rating. What is the Deep State Hive Mind? Is the adoption of the “Eclipse” symbolism merely coincidental? Or, is it intentionally selected Islamic symbolism signaling the unholy alliance between the globalist New World Order has and jihadi Islamic extremists? One notable trend among these collaborators is their near universal involvement in the IBM Eclipse Foundation started on Nov.
This foundation distributed the social networking invention of Columbus innovator Leader Technologies at no charge to the entire tech community.