Broadband Delivery UK - GOV. UKOverview. Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK), part of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, is delivering superfast broadband and local full fibre networks to the nation. The Government is supporting investment to: provide superfast broadband coverage to 9. UK by December 2. Mbps) for allstimulate private investment in full fibre connections by 2.
Superfast Broadband Programme. The Government’s aim is to provide superfast broadband (speeds of 2. Mbps or more) for at least 9. UK premises and universal access to basic broadband (speeds of at least 2. Mbps). You can check whether superfast broadband is available in your area using the superfast broadband postcode checker and find out more details about what is happening in your local area using our Google Map. If you have broadband access which is less than 2.
Mbps you can find out what options are available to you using the Basic Broadband Scheme postcode checker. More information on the Government’s approach to delivering superfast broadband is available in the UK Next Generation Network Infrastructure Deployment Plan. BDUK Local Body Information Spreadsheet. Information and take- up data on all procurements on the Superfast Broadband Programme can be found in the spreadsheet below. The spreadsheet also contains links to gainshare consultations published by local broadband projects. Table of local broadband projects. Further information on State aid is explained on the State Aid Advice web pages.
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Local Full Fibre Networks Programme. Starting in 2. 01. Government will invest . These approaches focused on improving the business case for the private sector to invest in fibre networks to connect even more homes and businesses. Government funding will stimulate private sector investment in full fibre to ensure that fibre connections are available across more of the UK. Benefits of broadband.
Improved connectivity is revolutionising our quality of life, from how we work and how our children learn, to how we spend our leisure time, how we do our weekly shop, and how we engage with public services. Find out more about how broadband can benefit you. A detailed review of the economic impacts of broadband is available in our UK Broadband Impact Study. European funding for broadband. BDUK acts as the Broadband Competence Office to provide assistance with European funding for broadband projects.
This includes the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). These funds are administered by other government departments but BDUK can provide support to help. Closed programmes. Broadband Connection Voucher Scheme. Watch New Manifesto (2017) Online on this page. The Government’s Broadband Connection Voucher Scheme ran from December 2. October 2. 01. 5. Over 5. 0,0. 00 vouchers for superfast broadband connections were issued to SMEs during the scheme, with 3.
April 2. 01. 5 across 5. UK cities. More information on the scheme and its benefits can be found on the Connection Vouchers website. Mobile Infrastructure Project. The Government Mobile Infrastructure Project supported investment in mobile infrastructure to improve coverage for voice calls and text messages for the final 0.
UK premises that were unable to receive a service. Market Test Pilots.
The Government also supported seven Market Test Pilots to gain understanding of the challenges in rolling out superfast broadband to the hardest to reach areas of the UK.