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AIA0& & (a. Voting ends October 6. Three leaders at Fanning Howey share lessons learned from a recent tiny library project. The first in a series on green building certifications and health examines LEED v. AIALeading sustainable design for a worldwide firm allows Anica Landreneau to ensure all of HOK's buildings meet the same high standard of excellence. Already have an account? Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account.

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Rubbish collection and disposal - Nelson City Council. Find out about rubbish collection services in Nelson. Rubbish collection is operated on a 'user pays' system provided by commercial operators. General refuse bag collection service. Two companies offer a rubbish bag collection service; both are user pays systems. Please contact them directly for all information, including collection days.

It Stains The Sands Red (2017) Stream

Nelmac Nelson. PLEASE NOTE: Nelmac has changed their rubbish collection days to coincide with Council's kerbside recycling collection days. Visit their website to confirm your rubbish collection day. Bullen Street, Tahunanui, Nelson Tel: 0. Email : service@nelmac. Web: www. nelmac.

Can Plan. 23 Forests Road. Stoke. Nelson 7. 01. Phone: 5. 47 0. 64.

Bags from Nelmac  are available for purchase from the Council office in Trafalgar Street or you can contact the both companies directly for details on where else bags can be purchased. Both will accept bags (at no extra charge) if you miss you collection. For Can Plan customers, drop it off at the Forests Road depot. For Nelmac customers, drop it off at the Pascoe Street Transfer Station.

General refuse wheelie bin collections The companies listed below offer a range of bin collection services. Please contact them directly to find out what they offer: Can Plan. Forests Road. Stoke.

Nelson 7. 01. 1Phone: 5. Enviro. Waste Services Limited. Quarantine Road. Tahunanui.

Nelson 7. 01. 1Phone: 5. Urgent after hours: 0. Nelmac Limited. 2 Bullen Street.

Tahunanui. Nelson 7. Phone: 5. 46 0. 91. Waste Management. Venice Place. Nelson 7. Phone: 5. 48 1. 16.

For missed bags/collections, please refer directly to the service provider. Transfer station. The Council runs a transfer station in Vivian Place (off Pascoe Street) Tahunanui, for car, trailer, and small truck loads of waste.

There are restrictions on hazardous waste that will be accepted. Phone +6. 4 3 5. 48 5. Hours of operation.

Days. Hours of operation. Monday - Friday. 8: 0. Saturday (summer, 1 Sept - 3. Apr)8. 0. 0am - 4. Saturday (winter, 1 May - 3. Aug)9. 0. 0am - 4. Sunday and public holidays.

Tuesday Night (during daylight saving)8. Anzac Day. 1. 0. 0pm - 4. Good Friday, Christmas Day, New Years Day. CLOSEDCharges including GST Waste.

Green waste. General refuse. Free Catfight (2016) Online. Learn more in our recycling section. Landfill. The Council operates a landfill in York Valley, Bishopdale, but only for commercial operators and compacted loads from the Transfer Station.

Strict controls are exercised on the dumping of hazardous waste and liquid waste. For enquires on this please contact the Council.

Phone +6. 4 3 5. 46 0. Hours of operation. Days. Hours of operation. Monday - Friday. 8.

Saturday. 12noon - 4. Sunday & public holidays.

CLOSEDDownload the asbestos disposal manifest and certificate form. GST)From 1 July 2.

Weighbridge Cost Code. Tonne$1. 07. 2. 5 per tonne. Tonne$1. 01. 3. 0 per tonne. Soil that has been tested, meets the NESCS recreation standards and can be used as construction or cover material.

Residential only. Only commercial transporters are allowed to enter the landfill (no private individuals). A manifest must be completed with site plan and plot number from where material was sourced. Other hazardous waste. Other hazardous waste from your home must also be taken to the Transfer Station instead of going out with your rubbish, including: Plant and pest sprays. Waste oil. LPG bottles. Household chemicals.

Paints and wood stains. Certain light bulbs and batteries - refer to the manufacturers advice. Wet paint cannot be disposed of at the Transfer Station. Please arrange disposal with the paint manufacturer or a paint store. A1. 0 HAIL Acceptance Criteria York Valley Landfill. No testing required prior to acceptance (NCC to Test)Tonnage 7> to < 3.

Tonne. Only material from A1. Only material from within Nelson city boundaries will be accepted.

Only commercial transporters are allowed to enter the landfill (no private individual)Manifest to be completed with site plan and plot number. From 1 Sept 2. 01. NESCS recreation standards and can be used as construction or cover material.

Residential only. Find out more. You can get more information about safe disposal of hazardous waste on the Ministry for the Environment website.

Go to the Ministry for the Environment's website. Waste Management Plan. The Council adopted the Joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan in April 2. The vision of this plan is: .