Directed by Eli Roth. With Keanu Reeves, Lorenza Izzo, Ana de Armas, Aaron Burns. A devoted father helps two stranded young women who knock on his door, but his kind. Breaking the biggest stories in celebrity and entertainment news. Get exclusive access to the latest stories, photos, and video as only TMZ can. Subscribe and SAVE, give a gift subscription or get help with an existing subscription by clicking the links below each cover image.

Knock Knock (2. 00. Felix And Meira (2015) Movie Dvd. IMDb. OK I'm awarding this a 4... And that is purely because 2 scenes in the entire film were well done, turned up the gore and feeling of real gut wrenching revulsion and just about saved the film from a Zero. So, the plot goes something like this. Teen kids, Murderer systematically butchers them in interesting ways, police detectives follow the trail to its conclusion.. OK so the plot is flimsy but many horror films have fared on less and done an admirable job of telling a bad story well through good acting and well directed horror scenes.

The acting in this is SHOCKING! Kinda harsh seeing as I love trashy B rate horrors, but this really scrapes the bucket... I will have to think of this film any time someone knocks!

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I Want To Watch The Full Movie Of Knock Knock (2015)