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1661: Cardinal Mazarin dies. In the power vacuum, the young Louis asserts his intention to govern as well as rule. Mazarin's fiscal advisor, Colbert, warns against.
Luke Plunkett. Luke Plunkett is a Contributing Editor based in Canberra, Australia. He has written a book on cosplay, designed a game about airplanes, and also runs.
Critics Consensus: The Death of Louis XIV will frustrate viewers out of sync with its deliberate pace, but those with the patience to settle in may be rewarded with a. Offers news, comment and features about the British arts scene with sections on books, films, music, theatre, art and architecture. Requires free registration. Cities: Skylines’ PlayStation version has a release date of August 15th. You can ruin tiny simulated peoples’ commutes on so many platforms! Directed by Albert Serra. With Jean-Pierre Léaud, Patrick d'Assumçao, Marc Susini, Bernard Belin. Upon returning from a hunting expedition, King Louis XIV feels a. In "The Death of Louis XIV," writer/director Albert Serra shows us that monumental events can be conveyed through the smallest of details. A series of exquisitely.