How- To download ASTER v. Global Digital Elevation Model. ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM)About ASTER GDEMASTER GDEM is an easy- to- use, highly accurate DEM covering all the land on earth, and available to all users regardless of size or location of their target areas. Anyone can easily use the ASTER GDEM to display a bird’s- eye- view map or run a flight simulation, and this should realize visually sophisticated maps. By utilizing the ASTER GDEM as a platform, institutions specialized in disaster monitoring, hydrology, energy, environmental monitoring etc.
Cold and inclement weather can ruin your day if you’re caught unprepared. No one likes dealing with sporadic showers without an umbrella, or cold weather without a. Developers and publishers of computer and video games.
ASTER GDEM coverage spans from 8. Earth’s landmass. The improved GDEM V2 (released October 1. The refined production algorithm provides improved spatial resolution, increased horizontal and vertical accuracy, and superior water body coverage and detection. The ASTER GDEM V2 maintains the Geo. TIFF format and the same gridding and tile structure as V1, with 3. Version 2 shows significant improvements over the previous release.
However, users are advised that the data contains anomalies and artifacts that will impede effectiveness for use in certain applications. The data are provided “as is,” and neither NASA nor METI/Japan Space Systems (J- spacesystems) will be responsible for any damages resulting from use of the data. Comparison with other DEMs. ASTER GDEMSRTM3*GTOPO3.
Data source. ASTERSpace shuttle radar. From organizations around the world that have DEM data. Generation and distribution. METI/NASANASA/USGSUSGSGSIRelease year. Data acquisition period. Posting interval. DEM accuracy (stdev.)7~1.
ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) About ASTER GDEM ASTER GDEM is an easy-to-use, highly accurate DEM covering all the land on earth, and.
DEM coverage. 83 degrees north ~ 8. Global. Japan only. Area of missing data. Areas with no ASTER data due to constant cloud cover (supplied by other DEM)Topographically steep area (due to radar characteristics)None.
None. Areas of DEM application. Stereoscopic visualization of satellite and other two- dimensional images. By simulating a process of rainfall, catchment, runoff and inundation using DEM as a platform, flood risk areas can be estimated. Local authorities can provide advanced “flood hazard maps” to the residents.
Automated calculation of slope direction and angle, catchment area, faults, etc. Volcanic hazard map: by a simulation using DEM as a platform, possible lava flow can be estimated. Local authorities can provide more advanced “volcanic hazard maps” that are crucial to ensure the safety of the residents. Flood hazard map: by simulating a process of rainfall, catchment, runoff and inundation using DEM as a platform, flood risk areas can be estimated.
Local authorities can provide advanced “flood hazard maps” to the residents. Hydrology (water resource management): Melted water is a valuable water resource in the oasis of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China. By calculating water catchment area using DEM, a potential water supply can be estimated even for unmapped areas. The obtained result can be utilized for water resource management in the oasis. Energy (oil resource exploration): Oil source rock and reservoir formations are extracted from ASTER data. Strike and dip of those formations are measured from DEM, and a simulation of the underground geological structure will reveal their prospective anticlinal structure.
In this way, oil and natural gas potentials can be evaluated without conducting a field investigation, even in an area of conflict. As a contribution from METI and NASA to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), ASTER GDEM V2 data are available free of charge to users worldwide from the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), NASA Reverb and J- spacesystems. Step- by- Step ASTER GDEM Download. Below I will explain to you as simple as I can How to download ASTER GDEM for an area of interest using J- spacesystems’ website. Step #1. Visit J- spacesystems website.
Exact URL: http: //gdem. Step #2. Click “Login” at the left sidebar if you already have an account or click “Register & Modification”Complete registration form and then press “Next”At the next screen the system ask you to confirm user information. If it’s correct click “Register”, otherwise click “Back” and correct any errors. If anything is ok, your next screen is the homepage of J- spacesystems but there is one difference now, you can see your username up in the right of the frontpage. This means you are already logged into the system so you don’t have to “Login” again. Step #3. Click “Search” from the sidebar in the left.
You have four methods to select your area of interest: Select tiles directly. Select tiles by polygon (You have to draw a polygon)Select tiles by shapefile (You have to upload the shapefile)Select tiles by coordinate (You must enter coordinates)Let’s see how to select tiles directly.
Click Select tiles directly. Use zoom bar to zoom in at your area of interest. Click “Grid” to view the grid on the map. Click “Start” button and then click as many tiles as you need to cover your area of interest on the map. When you are ready click “Next”.
You can also unselect some of them if you don’t really need them. If everything is ok click “Next”Step #5. Before downloadng ASTER GDEM tiles, firstly choose a category from the pulldown menu below. Then, you are required to agree to the “ASTER GDEM Policy”. Step #6. At the final step (screen) you can see again all the selected tiles as zip files and a download button at the right.
Click them to download the zipped raster files. Source: J- spacesystems & NASA. Biography Movies Watch The Only Living Boy In New York (2017) there.