And The Final Presidential Election? At the time we knew through a series of events related to the economy, Israel and the early stages of the One World System manifest in the United Nations, that we must pay attention to 9. We did not know that Hillary, who stole the election from Bernie in the primaries, would have a Weekend at Bernie’s experience, where the twin pillars that support her body would collapse as a symbolic reminder of what transpired 1. Hd Movies Ipod The Boss Baby (2017). Here is the 1. 19/9. January. The writing has been on the wall and to kick off 2.
April 10, 2016. FOR TODAY'S BELIZE WEATHER, CLICK HERE. Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events. Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5.
WALL street. In the first week of trading of the DJIA’s 1. UN voted to raise the Palestinian flag passing with 1. Mecca collapsed after being struck by lightning killing 1. The DJIA officially began its 1. May 2. 6, 1. 66 days before the election.
DJIA to 1/1. 9/1. The first day after the Presidential election to the last day before the inauguration is 1. The bookends of post- election to inauguration, poetically highlighting the prophetic hour. Adolf Hitler married Eva Braun on the 1. From the first day after the election to the last day before the new President is set to take office, highlighted by 9. Wall Street history.
Emergency, 9. 11 from midnight after the election to the day before inauguration. Never before in history have so many been on edge over an election. There has never been an electorate so deceived while at the same time so many awake. There has never been so much theater of the absurd mixed with the most blatant and exposed lies.
In January we wrote about the significance of 119/911 and the warning of what will soon come to pass. At the time we knew through a series of events related to the.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. Headlines about genitals in the general election, to an unprecedented degree, in the first election involving two candidates with compatible genitalia for procreation. The most recent Weiner texting his weiner scandal broke on August 2. Genesis- General – Genital- Gentile.
One of the ways Jews were distinguished from Gentiles was through the circumcision of their genitals. The fullness of the Gentiles is a concluding period of history initiating a transition. Gentile comes from the latin meaning race, tribe, people. Genitals of separate sexes are used to prolong a people.
- Critics Consensus: Queen of Katwe is a feel-good movie of uncommon smarts and passion, and outstanding performances by Lupita Nyong'o and David Oyelowo help to.
- The Texarkana Gazette is the premier source for local news and sports in Texarkana and the surrounding Arklatex areas.
- If Capcom hadn’t already agreed to make soldier figures out of its characters.
- The First Teaser for American Horror Story: Cult Tells Us Nothing, But It Sure Is Full of Creepy-Ass Clowns.
- There was something very telling about Marvel’s decision this past Monday to announce to The New York Times how its Secret Empire event would end. It felt like the.
- Labyrinth is a 1986 British-American adventure musical dark fantasy film directed by Jim Henson, executive-produced by George Lucas, and based upon conceptual designs.
Gen- “something produced”, from Greek “genes”, Latin “genus”. Genesis means “birth” in Greek and is known as the book of beginnings. The last time a Presidential election was held on November 8th was in 1. This election was held 1. June 1. 2, 1. 98. This year the election will be held 1.
Manos: The Hands of Fate is a 1966 American low-budget horror film. It was written, directed, and produced by Harold P. Warren who also starred in the film.
Orlando shooting where 4. Omer by a man named Omar – Orlando post. America and the world forever. At the time, few people anticipated the way in which that one domino, over time, would bring us to the place of global turmoil on the precipice of WW3.
Further, the shifting power structure within the Middle East has given rise to new threats while liberty in the homeland has eroded through sweeping legislation and executive fiat. The 9. 11/1. 19 matrix, points to the switch, that moment all too few have spoken of over the years enduring the criticism of the zombie hordes, while unabashedly carrying the banner of conspiracy theorist. The reckoning is right around the corner and through the perspective of world history a 1. Before the attacks of 9/1. Christ and the signs in the heavens agree that He was born on September 1. BC. January 1st, 2.
The 7. 1st verse in scripture is the FIRST prophecy in the Bible. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3: 1. 5“bring them to heel” – Hillary Clinton on super predators. Torah calendar. 9/1.
Day of Atonement on the Torah calendar. The 9th day of the 1. Hebrew calendar is Tisha B’Av the most ominous day in Jewish history. It was the day the first temple was destroyed and five centuries later the second temple would be destroyed on the same day. Where as the 9th of Av is the 9th day of the 1. September 1. 1 was the 1. Israel and The United States as understood through 7.
Jerusalem). Tisha B’Av shown above has a numeric value of 9. Jewish gematria. Before Proceeding with 9. I’d like to highlight a few mind blowing details uncovered by our Facebook group. Andy Rogers and Allyson Kelly have found some staggering details the last few days. Though we have discussed many times before it is important to recall before reading this list – Trump was born 7.
Israel became a nation on May 1. Trump will be 7. 0 years, 7 month and 7 days old on his first day in office or the 2. If dates are calculated inclusively, the 7. The 2. 1st (7. 77) is 1. Obama’s 6. 66th month of life.
Putin will be 7. 77 months on 7/7/1. Putin will be 7. 77 months old on 7/7/1. Hebrew calendar. Putin is exactly 3.
Trump declared his candidacy on 6/1. Tisha B’Av of 5. 77. The War in Afghanistan started on 1. Putin’s 4. 9th birthday. Tisha B’Av of 5. 77. For the Jewish rabbis who understand there is no such thing as coincidence (they say coincidence is not a kosher word) the year 5.
Its Biblical numeric meaning with the understanding that each number is defined in scripture and a number repeated three times means “perfect completion”. Genesis 9: 1. 1 – Days of Noah. Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.
Isaiah 4. 6: 1. 0Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Ecclesiastes 7: 8. The first book of the Bible has an incredible synchronicity to the 9.
Two definitive markers of the last days foretold in scripture, Days of Noah and a One World Government. Genesis 9: 1. 1 – Days of Noah rainbow – I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth. Some of the central aspects of Noah’s day often thought of are licentiousness and the intermingling of seed. Both are present realities but when Jesus spoke of the days of Noah I believe He also understood the following. First that the world be flooded with rainbows everywhere you look. That prominent buildings the world over would be lit up as a rainbow in the celebration of pride.
Secondly, He knew that the most popular baby name would be Noah for three consecutive years. Consider this second one in light of what Chuck Missler has been teaching for years. The meaning of the names in the genealogy of Genesis tells a story. Adam = Man. Seth = Appointed. Enosh = Mortal. Kenan = Sorrow; Mahalalel = The Blessed God. Jared = Shall come down.
Enoch = Teaching. Methuselah = His death shall bring. Lamech = The Despairing. Noah = Rest, or comfort.
Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest. As the days of Noah, the floodwaters come but as Noah we are called to find rest in the Ark. Third, Jesus understood when He compared the last days to Noah’s day that there would be multiple replica Arks built. He even knew that one of them would crash into a coast guard boat with His age of crucifixion and resurrection painted on its side. Genesis 1. 1: 9 – Babel. Genesis 1. 1: 9 Babel – Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth.
And from there the LORD dispersed them over the face of all the earth. The UN vote on the eve of 9/1. Israel was done by a global body, the likes of which has not existed since Babel.